Tuesday, 9 April 2013

XX9 Part Two

I had the opportunity to watch this behemoth this afternoon. I had to sacrifice a walk to do so, however, I was quite anxious to squeeze it in and wanted to watch it while it was still fresh.

This event felt like a sequel to last years WM - Taker on about his streak, AJ and Daniel Bryan holding their friction, same Main Event (Rock and Cena). most sequels do not live up to their predecessor and this event was no different.

In yesterdays post I mentioned that I thought the card looked predictable and had low expectations. Sadly, those expectations were met and the matches were very predictable. The biggest surprise I had was when Living Colour appeared and played "Cult of Personality" live during CM Punk's entrance. I was on the money picking winners in the big ticket matches. I was wrong on a couple of the smaller matches, but in truth these matches were insignificant anyway and more akin to filler matches.

Regardless of result, the WWE really needed to do something to add some spice to the event - this event had no standout moment that will last for generations. it was almost like a disposable event. There were no unannounced special guest appearance, no surprise announcements and not even an appearance by the boss himself.

I think my time would have been better served walking. Oh well, I guess you have to have rotten events once in a while to appreciate good ones.

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