This week was easily the busiest work week I have had this year. A few of the managers have been tasking me with loose ends that need to be closed off.
I have been managing lifecycles, preparing reports, cleaning up product bases and updating databases. These are all fiddly little things that someone has to do, and me being quiet with cases right now is the obvious person to di it.
Today I went a step further and did trade and diversity training - bith of these are mandatory but I had been avoiding them out of lack of interest. The diversity training was whack - it was a role play with disabled and racist people, choosing the best out of three responses, none of which were responses expected in the real world. I'm glad they are crossed of the list for this year.
None of the above are my prime responsibility or particularly fun, but
someone has to do it and I am paid to do a job so i need to see it
through. At lesat I am busy and the days are going by quicker, but I'd love to have to lab a case or get into soe real work.
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