Sunday, 16 December 2012

Saturday Night Party.

My middle sister has a birthday coming up next week and decided to throw a house party in her yard last night. I was invited and it was Hawaiian-themed, so donned my Hawaiian shirt and arrived fashionably late. She is turning 33.

I'm not as close to this sister as I used to be, but I suppose that is to be expected. She is single, however, dating a younger guy. Unlike middle sister, I am not a party animal, nor am I the life of the party and knew very few people there outside of a couple of cousins, though I met a few people I had heard my sister mention on a few occasions.

What really amazed me is that even approaching her mid-30's, my sister is still able to throw a large party. I'd guess 50 people were there and I think I was the oldest one there. What else was suprising is how young the crowd was. Lots of people were in their mid-20's, showing me that middle sister still knows how to make new friends. She had a few staple friends, but friends seem to blow in and out with my sister, unlike myself who has a much smaller solid core group of friends.

My sister never moved out of home until she was 30. Up until that point, My parents were quite strict and would never have condones such a party. Is my sister making up for lost time? Is it just the way she is? will she ever settle down? one of her friends elegantly highlighted that she has a habit of attracting younger boyfriends - is this a sign of her maturity? or just a phase she is going through?

The years will answer my questions but the party was an insight to her social life nonetheless.

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